G is for Grades – Good grades aren't the end game anymore.

Often it feels like the grade is everything in college--and no wonder. After all, that's the all the way through, K-12. Whether you've rewarded with stars, or S's for Satisfactory, or with regular old As: school has been teaching you for years that how you're doing is pretty much the same as how your grades are doing.
(Oh - and also how strong your state standardized test scores are. But that's a conversation for another day.)
So listen up - and please never tell your parents we said so - but some of you should be thinking a little less about your grades now that you're in college.
This is why.
There's a curious pattern by which women tend to do better than men in college. At least that's what their grades tell us. But then, lo and behold, men leave college and earn a good deal more money. Which feels like total bunk (if you're a woman at least).
One reason for the difference? Women can become so focused on their GPAs that they're less likely to keep taking subjects that make it tough for them to get the A.
Subjects like economics. One study found that men who got Bs in their first college economics classes were just as likely to go on for more as men who got As. Not so with women: women who got Bs in Econ 101 were only half as likely as women who got As to go back for Econ 102. (And Econ is one of those subjects that can lead to a swanky, high-paying job out of college...)
The moral of the story is that grades aren't the whole story of how you'll fare after college, not by a stretch. So go hang with your friends or have lunch with your professors... and ladies? Hang in with Econ 102.